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Weed Commissioner

Wapello County Secondary Roads

536 Mill St.
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Driving Directions

Contact Information



Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Holiday Closures

Our Team

Josh Batterson
Roadside Manager & Weed Commissioner · (641) 684-5425

Weed Commissioner

Mission Statement

The control of noxious weeds in Wapello County requires a cooperative effort of all property owners in the county. The Board of Supervisors and the County Weed Commissioner encourage all property owners to become familiar with the various species obnoxious weeds in the state and take the necessary control measures, during the prime growing season, to control these weeds.

Code of Iowa

The responsibility for the control of noxious weeds is established by Iowa Code Chapter 317. The code further defines what a noxious weed is and the role of the County Weed Commissioner.
The code requires each property owner to control the noxious weeds that may be on their property (317.10).

Noxious Weed Identification

In order to improve the identification of noxious weeds the following web sites are available for your reference.

Notice of Weed Control Resolution for Wapello County

The following is the Resolution for Wapello County addressing Noxious Weeds to Be Destroyed
Weed Resolution for Current Year

County Weed Program

The Wapello County Weed Program consists of proper and timely eradication of weeds, lawfully designated as noxious, by all owners of land in Wapello County. Persons wishing information, advice, or to report a violation, should contact us.

The roadside weed control program by the Secondary Road Department consists of spot treatment of cutting of roadsides at locations deemed necessary for control of brush and weeds. This operation will be conducted during the months of June and July for weeds and during the entire year for brush.

Property owners who desire that ground treatment with herbicides or brush cutting by machine NOT be conducted by the County adjacent to their property, should contact the County Engineer to be added to the NO SPRAY list.

Your cooperation in controlling noxious weeds in Wapello County will help the county be a better place to live, work and enjoy our outdoor recreation.

Map & Directions